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Tao Sacred Healing Room - Tao Herbs and Acupuncture Transmission

Tao Sacred Healing Room - Tao Herbs and Acupuncture Transmission

$95.00 CAD

Optional and Additional Services to 60- and 90-minutes sessions (Tao Sacred Healing Room)

    • One Tao Herbs transmission for one system, organ, body part, health issue, or relationship - for one week formula, have to change it in future. After one week, no longer there.  - $95 CAD 
    • One Tao Acupuncture transmission for one system, organ, body part, health issue, or relationship - works for 8 days and then goes away. Chant 10 minutes per time, 30 minutes per day. Chronic – 2 hours or more  per day - $95 CAD
    • If get both, then second one is an additional $50.
      • For example, the Tao Herbs is $95 and Tao Acupuncture is $50, for a total of $145.  - $145 CAD

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"We, the human race,

need more Zhi Gang Sha." 

Dr. Maya Angelou