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Tao Quantum Experience Monthly Subscription

Tao Quantum Experience Monthly Subscription

$300.00 CAD

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Tao Quantum Experience™ of high-frequency spiritual healing, offered every Saturday afternoon—where all that’s asked of you is to tune in, lie down, and receive.

Enjoy new levels of relaxation as you melt into this one-of-a-kind healing experience.

A Tao Quantum Experience™ soothes you on a physical, emotional, and mental level while gently working in higher dimensions to heal you on a quantum level. 

It is a powerfully transformative and rejuvenating experience.

Tao Quantum Experience™ is a unique healing modality that soothes your mind, body, energy, and soul.

It’s an all-encompassing experience that creates relaxation at your deepest core.

You’ve never tried anything like this before.

"We, the human race,

need more Zhi Gang Sha." 

Dr. Maya Angelou