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I Love You (CD)
I Love You (CD)

I Love You (CD)

$20.00 CAD$8.00 CAD

"Love melts all blockages and transforms all life." ~ Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha

The simplest teaching is the best teaching.
The simplest mantra is the best mantra.

The mantra “I Love You” is a simple mantra. Master Sha, a medical doctor trained in Western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, received this powerful chant from the Divine to help others create more fulfilling lives.

"I Love You" carries the high frequency and vibration of love, forgiveness, compassion and light. Your body naturally resonates with this elevated frequency, and responds by activating good health and positive outcomes in your life.

“I Love You” is one of the most powerful mantras. Around the world people have experienced transformation of physical health, mental issues, emotional concerns and spiritual growth, as well as financial challenges and relationships.

What you chant is what you become — chant for love.

"We, the human race,

need more Zhi Gang Sha." 

Dr. Maya Angelou